Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The coalition of the RPA (RDF) and the FARDC should abandon the use of permanent falsehood and
demonization of the FDLR as a weapon of war.
The Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR) refute the false statements propagated on 3 and 4 October
2009 in the international press by Colonel Delphin Kahimbi, Commander of operation Kimia II in eastern DRC
by which elements of the FDLR would be involved in kidnappings for ransom.
The FDLR have always condemned and still condemn strongly all acts of abduction of civilians and demands of
ransom that occurred in eastern DRC including the abduction of two Catholic clerics in the territory of Walungu.
The FDLR remind the public that they do not need to engage in criminal activities of this kind to reach their
objective which is and remains the liberation of the Rwandan people from the yoke of the fascist regime of RPFInkotanyi.
Before blaming the FDLR in cases of kidnapping, officials of the coalition of the RPA (RDF) and the FARDC
should first ask themselves why the FDLR would kidnap innocent civilians who have nothing to do with the
ongoing war in eastern DRC when they voluntarily free and hand over to the International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC) soldiers of the coalition of the RPA(RDF) and the FARDC captured on the battlefield without
demanding ransom or consideration of any kind (see Press Release Nr. 05/SE/CD/SEPTEMBER/2009 of
September 21, 2009).
The FDLR request the media and the public not to be distracted by stories fabricated by Kigali officials in order
to smear the FDLR and its leadership.
The FDLR remind Colonel Delphin Kahimbi and his colleagues that the FDLR have always shown exemplary
discipline which is far incomparable to that of elements of the coalition of the RPA (RDF) and the FARDC and
even of those of MONUC.
The FDLR call upon Colonel Delphin Kahimbi and MONUC officials to be cautious and urge them to look for
the perpetrators of all crimes committed in eastern DRC elsewhere rather than continuing to spread lies in the
media with the only criminal intent to tarnish the good reputation of the FDLR and its leadership.
The FDLR remain convinced that lies and demonization campaign orchestrated by the Kigali regime and its
agents against the FDLR will not solve the political problem of Rwanda but rather through a frank and direct
dialogue between the Kigali regime and the FDLR.
Done in Paris on October 5, 2009
Callixte Mbarushimana
Executive Secretary of the FDLR

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